Frequently Asked Questions
This section covers some Frequently Asked Questions that people using the website and printed list have sent in. If you would like to know more then please feel free to get in touch.

Q. Please can we have telephone numbers for each place, that would be really useful for opening times etc. especially for the printed version?

A. We have added phone numbers to the website listing and also to the printable version. These may change with time so please let us know of any changes as we cannot test them individually.

Q. Can I copy any of the information from the website or the printable PDF and incorporate it in my own website?

A. The simple answer is No. All of the information presented on the website and in the printable PDF is copyright and may only be used as described on this website. You are welcome to print the PDF for your own use or to supply to guests and visitors to Cornwall and you can also include a link to this website from your own as described on the How to Link to this Website page.